Avionics 101

Avionics are the aviation electronics systems that provide the functions and capabilities required for safe operation of aircraft throughout the world. Avionics encompass the ground, aircraft, and space assets required for control of flight of the aircraft, and its operation and movement while on the ground. Training systems incorporate avionics used in the aircraft.

The air traffic control system is a global network of national air traffic control systems that seamlessly pass the control of international flights as they travel between countries and continents. Air traffic control globally coordinates the use of airspace. Airspace capacity is influenced by weather conditions and bad weather at landing or takeoff airports creates backups, delays, and cancelled flights.

The avionics onboard an aircraft provides the crew the capability to manually or automatically control the flight of the aircraft in response to flight plans and air traffic control clearances. Avionics also provide passenger entertainment in airline operations. Avionics systems integrate the hardware and software that implement control of flight functions, navigation, guidance, control, communications, and systems operations and monitoring.

Technology advances rapidly and many avionics developments such as the Global Positioning System (GPS) have contributed to the economy by creating an industry that provides products with applications from the original navigation to surveying, construction, transportation, logistics, and recreational usage.